Who is it to judge me because I am a young girl who is also an Adult Baby in diapers?
Or to judge others like me?
Is it fear or anger they lash at me?
I feel the need to tell some about me.
Maybe they will understand my perspective a bit better.
Blindness prevails.
So many of the words we hear causing an attitude that comes across the eyes of those who have no direction.
As such, it blinds them to the truth of who I and others like me truly are at heart.
Entering from all points,
the noise and confusion rise to a thunderous and grievous noise
It does so till none can hear the truth.
What is wrong with the simple pleasure of a diaper change?
Words; who can say what meaning the speaker intends?
Each weaving its own spell of confusion and misdirection.
I still cannot see what it is I do wrong because I am still a child in my soul.
Still, do not be quick to condemn them for what they do.
Perhaps it is I who have erred
For I am still in diapers and love to be held in mommy’s loving arms.
Words cause the value of worthlessness to increase beyond the wildest dreams.
Yet can an innocent and sweetness of heart be wrong?
Attitude is everything,
don’t you think?
Soon expectation will become despair
As every one changes costume and tries to hide behind a different mask.
How can we bear all the faceless ones who dance around and try to win our favor?
Can a ray of hope survive?
Will yet another derail humanity’s train of thought there by negating light with darkness once again?
Is there a value on human life?
It seems that to some the answer to this question is no,
for they sell their entire world for that which is worthless.
Is a heart felt joy worthless?
To be free of the world and in mommy’s loving embrace is beyond earthly value to me.
Still, the word tide does go out for a time,
All wait with bated breath for it to come again,
cascading down with raw fury to once again define we the innocent
To wreak havoc with our contentment and peace.
Will the mountains of hypocrisy, surrounded by the oceans of lies, ever be washed clean by the roaring, deafening sea of words?
How can people justify all the pain that their words wreak upon the children of innocence?
We who seek to harm no one and are at peace within ourselves.
We who are still innocent children in our souls.
Words each bearing its own away down the stream of reason,
cascading over the rocks of misdirection,
to fall frothing in the deep dark pools of ignorance far below.
How do those lay hands upon the innocent to do them harm,
because they are different?
I am an adult baby girl.
I stand proud and free in a world gone mad with greed and avarice.
I see joy in a diaper change.
The baby powder mommy uses is my fantasy.
We who are Adult Babies have a lot of things we still don’t understand.
The world has changed.
It has truly lost its innocents.
We are the last vestiges of it.
You and I and others like us are the remanences of this innocent
An innocence that is so precious in a weary heart and beleaguered world.
Be proud of who we are.
We are the virgins left in a sad and blighted world.